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  1. Selling Selling, buying or trading should be posted only in Marketplace No begging/requesting in the forums. Don't request stuff from other people (Money, Items, Accounts)etc. Content Do not flame any members posts just because you do not like them personally. Don't share others personal information. Don't share any discord links or any other forums' links. Keep forum topics on topic. No random posts/replies to boost your post count. All content on the forums must be written in English or tagged as foreign post. Advertising or promoting other websites or services of any kind is forbidden on forum. No posts regarding "When Will WSA Be Updated?" of any kind (This applies to the shoutbox or PMs to staff members as well). All uploaded files to your post must be approved by a staff member before hand. Please PM a Moderator/Admin. Only staff members or developers can ask for donations. Racism and discrimination of ANY kind is strictly forbidden. No whining about other cheaters/other cheaters calling you out etc. No screamers of any sort are allowed to be posted, because no one likes ****ting themselves. Spamming Don't bump topics that haven't been replied over 7 days. If you want to talk about something that is drastically removed from the topic of a forum, please take it to the Off-Topic Forum. The Off-Topic Forum was set up and designed for members to discuss issues not related to a specific game. Do not write post under post. Use edit option for that. Avatar / Signature If we find that an image you post in your signature is offending to anyone it will be immediately removed and your account will be disabled. Be sure to keep your signature picture at a reasonable size. Keep It Short & Simple Don't share any discord links or any other forums' links. Behavior Do not flame members for "the lulz" Any disrespectful behavior toward members (especially Staff) will result in a punishment. Do not harass or attack other communities or their members. Never forget, we're a family here. Account Sharing You are not allowed under any circumstance to share your account with anyone. Staff members will never ask you for your password! Disciplinary Measures Breaking the forum rules will inherently lead to a punishment by either warning points or a ban depending on severity of the infringement. Moderators can hand out warning points or bans using their discretion, and an infringement of the forum rules is not mandatory. Every warning point or ban can be appealed by messaging Moderators or higher staff members. Appeals will only be reviewed if the message explains the case and gives indication on why the punishment was unjust. Severe infractions will be immediately punished with a permanent ban. Thank you!
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