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  1. Introducing WSA: Rocket League, a tool to help you improve your game play in Rocket League, which is now available in the VIP shop for purchase. Click here to buy! This topic will be focused on providing information about the tool's features. Upon first use of this tool, it will create a .ini file to store the tool's settings, located in %AppData%\WeScript\RL called RLSettings.ini and RLKickoffSettings.ini [Tutorial] How to use latest tool: It is recommended to run the game in borderless/windowed mode if you have problems with Full Screen. Check this thread shows how to get a key and run the loader easily: https://wescript.app/topic/694-how-to-buy-a-key-activate-it/? Features: Ball Prediction - Shows where the ball is going, allowing you to set up for aerials easily and wall-shots. It can also indicate if the ball is going into a goal, allowing you to make easy saves. Prediction Only In Goal - from a forum suggestion! ( enable | disable ) Enabling this feature will make the prediction draw only when the ball will go into a goal in red color. This feature was suggested by . Prediction Type ( 0 - 1 ) Selecting 1 will use a custom prediction, which is more accurate in some cases, but will use more FPS ( frames per second ). This feature will be improved further on. Selecting 2 will use the game's own ball prediction. Intersection Point ( enable | disable ) This feature will draw a point on the prediction line showing where an intersection between the player and the ball will happen. Intersection Type ( enable | disable ) Allows you to change the intersection point drawing. Selecting 1 will show a circle. Selecting 2 will show a rectangle/box Line Width ( 0 - 10 ) Change the width of the prediction line between 0 and 10. Higher values will use more resources. A recommended value is 3. Colors Lets you choose a custom color for both the Prediction Line and Intersect Point Fade Out Line ( enable | disable ) Enables fading out the prediction line. Iterations ( 20 - 200 ) Controls the number of the prediction iterations, which also controls the length of the line. Higher value will use more CPU resources. Recommended value is 120. Boost Timers - Can show the remaining time of boosts and can also draw circles around them. Show Circles ( enable | disable ) Enable or disable the showing of a circle on boosts that have been taken for easier seeing. Show Text ( enable | disable ) Enable or disable the showing of the time remaining time on boosts. Text Lowering ( enable | disable ) Enables lowering the position of the timer text by distance. Font Size ( enable | disable ) Allows you to specify a font size for the boost timers. Show Rumble Items ( enable | disable ) Can show the current item a player has in the game mode Rumble and also the time ( buggy on Psyonix's side ) til next item. Boost Display Draws a bar on player's position indicating their current boost amount. Show On Team( enable | disable ) Enable or disable the showing of your team's current boost amount. Show On Enemy ( enable | disable ) Enable or disable the showing of your enemy's current boost amount. Show Bars ( enable | disable ) Enable or disable the showing of bars over players. This feature was suggested by Show Numbers( enable | disable ) Enable or disable the showing of the current boost amount with numbers. Persistent Background ( enable | disable ) Enable or disable showing the boost information always. Background Type ( enable | disable ) Selecting 1 will use borders for background. Selecting 2 will use a filled background. Colors Lets you choose a custom color for the background. Chat Messages On Players - Can display player's chat messages over their cars while in-game. Both for the enemy and your team. Show Enemy Messages ( enable | disable ) Enable or disable the showing of your enemy's messages. Show Team Messages( enable | disable ) Enable or disable the showing of your team's messages. Team Colored Messages ( enable | disable ) Enable or disable the coloring of the messages based on the current team they are on. Chat Window ( enable | disable ) Enables a chat window, which logs the last 10 available chat messages. Chat Window Auto-Scroll ( enable | disable ) Enables auto-scrolling in the chat window. Wave Dashing ( Default hotkey - Left ALT ) By holding the hotkey button in-game, jumping manually, this feature will attempt to orient your car based on your current velocity and where the car will land, and will jump in order to cancel the forward dashing animation. This feature is mostly useful after jumping from a wall for quick acceleration. Continuous Mode ( enable | disable ) Enabling this feature will make continuous Wave Dash jumps. Orient Only ( enable | disable ) Enabling this feature will prevent the bot from jumping, useful if you would like the bot to only recover for you. Orient Towards Ground ( enable | disable ) Enabling this feature will orient the car towards the ground when above a certain height for faster recoveries, requires to have boost amount bigger than zero Wall Dashing / Infini Dash ( enable | disable ) Enabling this feature will make the bot do continuous Wave Dash jumps on walls, useful for quick boost in speed. Legit Wall Dashing ( enable | disable ) Enabling this feature will make smart usage of the Wall Dash jumps only when needed to reach maximum speed. Demolition Bot ( Default hotkey - Left CTRL ) By holding the hotkey button in-game, the bot will steer the player's car into the closest enemy position. Auto Boost ( enable | disable ) Enabling this feature will make the Demolition Bot use boost on its own, based on if we have enough boost, if we can reach the target with our current boost, and based on time it will take to reach the target. This feature also tries to keep the current speed, so we don't lose supersonic momentum. Always Boost ( enable | disable ) Enabling this feature will make the Demolition Bot always use boost by ignoring all conditions. Air Control ( enable | disable ) Enabling this feature will make the Demolition Bot orient the car also while in the air. Useful for air bumps. Not thoroughly tested Custom Target ( enable | disable ) Allows choosing a custom target, also shows player's stats so you can choose a better target to demolish! Aerial Bot BETA Enabling this feature and while holding the hotkey button, the Aerial Bot will try to orient the player's car into the closest intercept position. This feature is under development and may not work as expected. Default hotkey is F. Aerial Modes choose one of the 8 aerial modes. Always FreeStyle Will always do a spinning orientation that also tries to re-adjust in the air. The further you are facing the target, the more it will spin. For more advanced users. *Requires boost feathering skills*. Alternate FreeStyle Will do an alternate version of freestyling which does a more controlled spinning orientation that also tries to re-adjust in the air. Alternate FreeStyle 2 Will do an alternate version of freestyling which was used in an older version, v.2.2.0. Requested by . Normal FreeStyle Will do a more controlled spinning orientation only when needed to re-adjust. This is the recommended mode if you want to be free styling. Normal Aerial Will do a normal orientation, without any spinning re-adjustments Mixed Normal Aerial Will do a mixture starting with Normal Aerial mode and will finish with Strict. Useful for better scoring goals. Strict Aerial Will do a more strict aerial orientation, without any spinning re-adjustments. Upside Down Aerial Will do an upside down orientation, without any spinning re-adjustments Flip Resets Will try to go under the ball in order to reset the flip. This feature is mostly for fun. Intersection Type 2 different calculation methods on finding an intercept target for the Aerial Bot. Type 1 is newly added which allows to reach most shots and is better at scoring goals Type 2 is the old method that was used in v3.0.2 Read the in-game tooltip for more information Take-off Time Allows you to specify at what time above the ground, the [Aerial Bot] should start free styling. Mainly used for when jumping off the ground in order to create a smoother Aerial. Starting Velocity Allows you to control how high (slower) or direct (faster) the Aerial Bot bot should fly towards the ball. FreeStyle Control Makes the Aerial Bot stop spinning until a certain distance. Only works for FreeStyle modes FreeStyle Control Orientation Allows you to specify which orientation mode the FreeStyle control should use FreeStyle Until Distance Allows you to specify the distance, in which the FreeStyle control should stop spinning Aim At Goal BETA. Enabling this feature, the Aerial Bot and the Auto Drive features, will try to position the car in order to hit the ball towards the center of the enemy's goal. This feature is heavily under development and may not work as expected. Facing Goal ( enable | disable ) Enables Aim At Goal only when the player and the ball are facing the enemy goal. Safety Zone ( enable | disable ) Disables the Aim At Goal feature when the intersect point is not inside a specified distance Safety Zone Distance ( 500.0 - 10000.0 ) Specify a distance in which the intersect point has to be, for the Aim At Goal feature to be disabled Automatic Correction Values ( enable | disable ) Enables dynamically setting the values based on how close the player is to the intercept point. Disable to allow manual editing Automatic Correction Usages Allows the user to specify a condition when Aim At Goal feature should be used: - Use When on Ground - Use When Normal Aerialing - Use When Freestyle Aerialing On Ground Controls how much we correct for being off-vector when the car is on the ground. Lower number = closer to the ball's center Normal Aerial Controls how much we correct for being off-vector when we are using the Normal Aerial Mode. Lower number = closer to the ball's center FreeStyle Aerial Controls how much we correct for being off-vector when we are using any FreeStyle Aerial Mode. Lower number = closer to the ball's center Ground Risk Factor Controls how much the Aerial Bot will risk trying to redirect the ball towards enemy's goal when the car is on the ground. Higher number = less risk taken. Lower number = more risk taken. Normal Aerial Risk Factor Controls how much the Aerial Bot will risk trying to redirect the ball towards enemy's goal when the car is in the air and using Normal Aerial mode. Higher number = less risk taken. Lower number = more risk taken. Freestyle Aerial Risk Factor Controls how much the Aerial Bot will risk trying to redirect the ball towards enemy's goal when the car is in the air and using Freestyle Aerial mode. Higher number = less risk taken. Lower number = more risk taken. [info]Use the left click on the aerial modes to select multiple modes. Default hotkeys are F for the primary selected aerial mode and G for the secondary selected aerial mode. - If a mode has been selected, you can unselect it by clicking it again. - The primary key will be always set to the first mode that is first clicked, then the secondary[/info] Automation. This feature is heavily under development and may not work as expected. Auto Boost ( enable | disable ) Enables automated boosting. Feather Boost ( enable | disable ) Enables automated feather boosting. This feature is experimental Feather Boost Strength ( enable | disable ) Controls how much 'feathering' the Feather Boosting feature should you. Higher value = less feathering (more boost used) Boost Till Distance Allows the user to specify at which acceleration between the player and the intercept point, the bot should stop using boost. Auto Drive ( enable | disable ) Enables automated driving towards the intercept point Use Handbrake ( enable | disable ) Enables the usage of the Handbrake. Requires Auto Drive to be enabled Drive Backwards ( enable | disable ) Enables driving backwards when the ball is behind the player. Requires Auto Drive to be enabled. Dribble Match Speed ( enable | disable ) Enables matching the current speed of the ball in order to dribble it towards the enemy goal, it can catch, carry the ball on the car's roof and adjust it in order for you to flick it. Requires Auto Drive to be enabled. It has 3 different states for now. Automated flicking will be implemented later on. Catching State: - Catching offset: Controls how far away the car should position itself to in order to catch the ball. - Catching approach offset: Controls how direct the car should approach the position. (More direct or more angled approach) Carrying State: - Carrying offset: Controls how far away the car should position itself to in order to catch and redirect the ball towards the enemy's goal. The default settings are safer to use, but slower to redirect! - Carrying approach offset: Controls how directly the car should take a path (more direct or more angled approach), approaching the position while it's carrying it on it's roof. Adjusting State: - Adjusting Offset: When the ball is on the car's roof, it will enter this state, adjusting the car's position in order for the user to manually flick it. The default value is for a basic front flip Show Dribble State ( enable | disable ) Enables showing text, displaying the current state the Dribble bot is in. Kickoff Bot BETA Enabling this feature and while holding the hotkey button ONLY ( no other keys must be held ), the Kickoff Bot will try to perform a sequenced fast kickoff ( using an advanced speed flip mechanic ) maneuver towards the ball. Each kickoff position has its own sequence and its own settings which can be modified, and improved further. The kickoffs settings are saved in a separate config file inside the WSA folder. This feature is under development and may not work as expected. More updates will follow. Default hotkey is V. [error]Does not work well in offline matches such as, training mode, exhibition match and local match due to an unknown reason. It is recommended to test it in a private online match versus a bot if you wish to modify it further. If you experience problems with the beginning of the kickoff, such as the bot doing a speedflip wrong, try increasing this value until it stops happening in all 3 kickoff positions.[/error] Position Alter ( 0 - 1400 ) Controls the position in which the kickoff bot will steer towards in the beginning of the whole maneuver. This value controls where the car will land. The higher the value, the more the bot will steer to the side of the ball, the least the value, the more the bot will steer to towards the center of the ball. Time 1 - 2 - 3 The Time settings allows you to specify how long it do a particular sequence for, before going onto the next sequence. Menu tool tips will provide some more information for each sequence. Steer Value The Steer Value setting allows you to specify how quickly should the bot steer the car towards the Position Alter position. Speed Flip Dodge Time The Speed Flip Dodge Time setting allows you to specify how quickly should the bot do a Speed flip. Having 0, should perform it almost instantly. Jump and Dodge Into the Ball This settings enables the dodging into the ball part of the kickoff sequence. Save Boost ( only for some kickoff positions ) This settings enables a smart boost saving usage which only boosts when it's needed to achieve maximum speed. Recommended to have enabled on the Center position kickoff. Use Boost ( only for some kickoff positions ) This settings enables a smart boost usage in order to keep maximum speed when the car is on the ground. Recommended to have enabled on the Center position kickoff. Time Based Dodge This settings enables a time specified dodge which will execute a dodge when the specified time has passed. Otherwise it will flip as soon as it touches the ball. Double Jump Time This settings lets you specify how long the bot should hold the jump button for. Distance Till Jump This settings lets you specify the distance at which the bot will initiate a jump. Forward Dodge Value This settings lets you specify how diagonal a side flip can be. Handbrake Usage Enables the usage of the handbrake while landing. Mini map - Draws a mini map giving you more awareness on what is happening on the field. Showing you - car positions, ball position, boosts and their time remaining, and also player's messages. Scale ( 1 - 3.5 ) Controls the overall scale of the mini map. Position X Allows you to change the X ( horizontal ) position of the mini map. Position Y Allows you to change the Y ( vertical ) position of the mini map. Show Boosts ( enable | disable ) Enable or disable the showing of the available boosts on the mini map. Show Boost Timers ( enable | disable ) Enable or disable the showing of the remaining time for the boosts on the mini map. Show Chat Messages ( enable | disable ) Enable or disable the showing the chat messages on the mini map. Show Mini map Borders ( enable | disable ) Enable or disable drawing the borders of the mini map. Misc ( enable | disable ) Automatic Air Sensitivity ( enable | disable ) This feature automatically adjusts the air sensitivity control for the Aerial Bot. It is needed if you use air sensitivity of more than 1.0, anything above will cause the aerial bot to make mistakes. Hide Nameplates ( enable | disable ) Allows you to hide the car's nameplates if you wish so. Set FOV( enable | disable ) Allows you to change your current FOV ( Field of View ) above the limitation of 110. The higher the FOV, the more you are able to see on the field, and the higher advantage you will have. Draw Hitbox ( enable | disable ) Allows you to see the actual in-game hitbox that the current equipped car uses Jump Indicator ( enable | disable ) Will make the player's car red color when a jump is available. Car Vision ( enable | disable ) Make all cars on the field see-through obstacles, such as the ball and through smoke ( demo explosions ) Boost Management ( enable | disable ) By enabling this feature, you allow the tool to assist you when boosting on the ground. When the boost button is held down, the tool will cancel your boosting as soon as you reach supersonic speed of 2200 uu/s This feature is useful to save boost Player Camera Settings ( Default hotkey - Numpad0 ) By holding the hotkey button in-game, it will show which camera settings the players are using. and many more to come... OBS Support: To stream your game play with OBS, simply, create a new scene add a new source -> Game Capture. and add these settings. Scroll down and un-tick this option EDITING THE CONFIG FILE: As you now know, the config file located in %AppData%\WeScript\RL called RLSettings.ini can be edited. Every time you close the menu with [INSERT], your current settings of the tool will be saved. HOTKEYS: if you are a controller user you will have to use a software to map keyboard buttons to gamepad/joystic buttons. Some software examples include: DS4Windows and JoyToKey is for Xbox Controllers Hotkeys can be set in the menu and edited in the config file %AppData%\WeScript\RL called RLSettings.ini. They are represented as decimals. For a list of hotkeys, go here http://www.kbdedit.com/manual/low_level_vk_list.html KNOWN ISSUES: Sometimes will crash upon starting. If it keeps happening, restart your computer. With v1.3, it does not recreate the .ini settings file properly, a temporary fix is to go to %AppData%\WeScript\RL and delete RLSettings.ini then start the game again. Hotkeys do not work properly for some users, if that's the case for you, and you are playing in full screen, try switching to borderless/windowed mode and or disabling overlay windows such as Discord/Steam. v.2.0.0 Changing resolution while having the tool enabled will freeze the game. Will crash if the game is in fullscreen. A workaround is to set the game in windowed/borderless mode. Changing resolution will no longer freeze the game, but will misplace drawings on the screen. Some users report crashes when playing in full screen and minimizing/maximizing the game. Use borderless/windowed to avoid that. v.2.3.1 [Aim At Goal] will try to hit the ball towards a wrong direction. [Wave Dash Bot] will fail to flip correctly when FPS ( frames per second ) is low. v.2.6.0 [Kickoff Bot] Kickoff timer is affected by the player's ping when playing online, which will affect the end of the kickoff sequence. v.3.2.0 [Aerial Bot - Dribble] Might sometimes change the target that it steers towards to. CHANGE LOG: v.1.1 + Update for patch 1.61. v.1.2 + Small Ball Prediction changes + Demolition bot improvements Changed the way the bot steers, and now it no longer targets cars that are behind our player, only in front of the car v.1.3 + Updated for the latest patch 1.62 (including the 2 hot fixes. Sorry for the wait!) + [Ball Prediction] Added a new feature based on a forum suggestion - Ball prediction only when in goal. See the post above for more information. v.1.3.1 + Updated for patch 1.65 (June 24th) + Small Demolition Bot changes v.1.4.0 + Updated for patch 1.66 + Fixed rare crash upon starting the game sometimes + [Demolition Bot] Smoother demolition bot steering + [Ball Prediction] Increased the prediction line length a bit v.1.5.0 + Updated for patch 1.69 ( Oct 23rd ) + [Boost Timers] Fixed a bug which was preventing the display of the timers due to the latest RL hotfix. + [Demolition Bot] Greatly improved driving into cars + [Demolition Bot] Added the ability to drive into cars that are on walls. + [Ball Prediction] Improved line accuracy + [Wave Dashing] Introducing Wave Dashing 2.0. A greatly improved version of the old Wave Dash bot. Now it automatically tilts and orients the car based on it's velocity. See above for more info. v.1.6.0 + Updated for the march 10th 1.74 patch + Implemented new setting saving, no longer crashing for bad data in the config + Added the ability to save the menu's last opened state, hidden or shown + [Demolition bot] small changes + [Demolition Bot] Fixed a bug causing wrong target selection + [Wave Dash 3.0] Orients the car based on where it will land. + [Boost Bars] Added distance scaling from a forum suggestion . + [Boost Bars] Lowered the bar position a bit, so it does not go over cars that are far away v.2.0.0 + Major rework. + New menu. + Can now change hotkeys and colors within the menu. + Reworked internal functions. Now its faster and has better FPS ( frame per second ) + [Ball Prediction] Reworked and added a new feature: Ball Intersect point. + [Ball Prediction] Added the ability to change the line color within the menu. + [Ball Prediction] Added a new feature: Fade Out Line. + [Boost Timers] Reworked and added a new feature: Text Lowering. + [Boost Display] Boost Bars have been reworked and renamed to Boost Display. + [Boost Display] Added a new feature: Persistent Background. + [Boost Display] Added a new feature: Background Type. + [Boost Display] Can now change the background color from within the menu. + [Chat Messages] Reworked and added a new feature: Show Chat Window. + [Chat Messages] Added a new setting: Chat Window Auto-Scroll. + [Chat Messages] Added the ability to change the alpha color of the chat messages next to players. + [Wave Dash] Reworked and added a new feature: Continuous Mode. + [Wave Dash] Added the ability to change the default hotkey from the menu. + [Demolition Bot] Reworked and added a new feature: Target Selector. + [Demolition Bot] Added the ability to change the default hotkey from the menu. + [Aerial Bot] Added a BETA version of an Aerial Bot with 4 different Aerial Modes and several automation features. + [Aerial Bot] Added the ability to change the default hotkey from the menu. + [Misc] Moved the Set FOV feature and Hide Nameplates to a new tab, called Misc. + [OBS] Live stream support with OBS. - [Show Rumble Items] Removed for now, might be back again if requested. - [Directional Line On Car] Removed for now, might be back again if requested. - [Player Camera Settings] Removed for now, might back again if requested. v.2.1.0 + Fixed crash when playing in full screen. Thanks to . + Supposedly fixed some of the "rare" crashes which occur during game end. But continuing to monitor for any crashes. Thanks to . + [Boost Timers] Fixed boost timers text position when using the new feature "Text Lowering" + Improved "Always Aerial" mode. + Added a new feature: Match Speed, will try to match the ball's current speed in order to not overshoot Aerials. - Changing resolution will no longer freeze the game, but will misplace drawings on screen. v.2.1.1 + Fix mouse cursor position in the menu, when playing in windowed/borderless mode with lower resolution than desktop. Thanks to . v.2.1.2 + Updated for patch 1.75 March 24th, 2020 v.2.2.0 + Fixed a rare bug that would cause an error on startup. + Added the ability to save the menu's settings upon game exit. + [Boost Timers] Fixed a bug with the feature "Draw Circles". Thanks to . + [Ball Prediction] Added a new feature: Intersection Type. + [Boost Display] Added a new feature based on a forum suggestion - "Show Bars". Thanks to . + [Boost Display] "Show Percentage" has been renamed to: "Show Numbers" and no longer shows "%" sign + [Boost Display] Centered the Show Numbers text, when "Show Bars" is disabled. + [Wave Dash] Implemented the usage of Handbrake. + [Aerial Bot] Improvements for both freestyle modes. + [Aerial Bot] Improved Car to Intercept Point contact. Now it allows for Air Dribbles in "Normal FreeStyle" and "Normal Aerial" modes. + [Aerial Bot] Changed "Always FreeStyle" mode to actually always freestyle. Requires boost feathering skills + [Aerial Bot] Added "Alternate Freestyle" mode. + [Aerial Bot] Added "Flip Resets" mode for fun. + [Aerial Bot] Improved "Auto Drive". Smoother steering towards the ball. + [Aerial Bot] Improved "Match Speed". Can now carry the ball on the roof of the car. + [Aerial Bot] "Match Speed" now enabled by default. + [Aerial Bot] Fixed non-working feature: "Use Handbrake". + [Aerial Bot] Changed "Normal FreeStyle" to be more accurate with less trajectory errors. + [Aerial Bot] Improved logic when deciding to drive backwards. + [Aerial Bot] Added a new feature: "Automatic Air Sensitivity". Thanks to . v.2.2.1 + [Wave Dash] Fixed jumps. Thanks to . + [Aerial Bot] Small tweak. v.2.3.0 + Updated for game patch 1.76. + Added a new method to obtain game data, now should show all the information right away when a game starts. + Fixed "Intersection Type" not saving. + Improved Intersection Type Point of Contact, no longer showing bad position when the ball is behind the player, which also improves the "Aerial Bot" + Fixed manual boosting when "Auto Boost" is enabled. + [Chat Messages] Fixed a bug which would cause the messages over players to not show after some time. + [Chat Messages] Can now show all chat messages in a game. + [Aerial Bot] Fixed "Use Handbrake" + [Aerial Bot] "Use Handbrake" now sets throttle to 1 for faster turns. + [Aerial Bot] Improved "Match Speed". Now it tries to slow down the car to be able to hit it with an aerial. + [Aerial Bot] Added a new feature based on a forum suggestion - "Aim At Goal" thanks to members: , , , . + [Aerial Bot] Improved "Alternate Freestyle" mode's trajectory. v.2.3.1 + [Wave Dash] Fixed jumps getting stuck + [Drive Backwards] Fixed usage when [Match Speed] is disabled. + [Aerial Bot] Added "Alternate Freestyle Mode 2", which was used in version 2.2.0 requested by . v.2.4.0 + [Chat Messages] Fixed a crash when entering party. + [Aim At Goal] Fixed a bug causing the bot to steer towards a wrong direction. + [Ball Prediction] Added a new custom ball prediction which is more accurate and does less errors than the engine one. - [Ball Prediction] Removed old custom prediction which showed only 1 line. + [Ball Prediction] The Custom Prediction is now default, while the engine prediction is now at type 2. + [Use Handbrake] Improvements. + [Match Speed] Small changes. + [Wave Dash] Is now less strict when deciding when to jump + Added a new feature [Take-off Height] which allows you to specify how far from the ground should the [Aerial Bot] freestyle. ( Only for freestyle modes ) v.2.5.0 + Possible fix for crashes which occur only for some users + [Aerial Bot] Fixed an orientation error which happens when the car is at maximum speed. Video comparison here: + [Aerial Bot] Added a new aerial mode "Strict Aerial", which does a more strict aerial with less rolling. + [Aim At Goal] Removed the goal corrections lower limit to be able to set them to 0.0. This would allow for Aim At Goal to be used only when the car is on ground which will be useful for setting up aerials when using the [Auto Drive] feature. + [Boost Timers] Added a new feature which allows you to specify the Font Size on the timers. Thanks to . + [Wave Dash] Fixed an issue with jumping when the FPS ( frames per second ) is low. + [Demolition Bot] Added new features: Auto Boost and Always Boost (Disabled by default). Thanks to . + [Demolition Bot] Small tweak to where the bot will steer. + [Demolition Bot] Now sets throttle to 1. v.2.5.1 + Fixed a crash when entering training modes. Thanks to . + [Ball Prediction] Removed collision detection with cars for now v.2.5.2 + Updated for patch 1.78 ( June 16th ) v.2.5.3 + Updated for patch 1.78 hot fix ( June 26th ) + Added Mouse 4 and Mouse 5 hotkeys in the menu. Requested by + [Ball Prediction] Small collision detection tweak v.2.5.4. + Updated for patch 1.78 hotfix ( July 3rd ) + [Aerial Bot] Fixed Always Aerial mode not working + [Aerial Bot] Normal Freestyle mode adjustments v.2.6.0. + *NEW* Added a BETA Speedflip Kickoff feature. Default hotkey is V + [Aerial Bot - Auto Drive] Improved steering on walls + [Aerial Bot - Match Speed] Changed behavior + [Aerial Bot - Auto Boost] No longer boosting when on walls. Thanks to @Poptart. + [Aerial Bot - Auto Boost] Possible fix for Boost usage getting stuck + [Demolition Bot - Auto Boost] Fixed boost usage getting stuck + [Demolition Bot] Improved Auto Boost feature when deciding if it should boost or not + [Demolition Bot] Auto boost is now enabled by default + [Boost Timers] Fixed sometimes not showing in-game + [Aerial Bot] Small tweaks which improve the direction + Fixed rare DirectX related crash + Added setting files backups. Can be found in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\WeScript\RL v.2.6.1 + [Kickoff Bot] Fixed the hotkey not saving in the config file + [Aerial Bot - Starting Velocity] Added a new feature, which allows the user to control how direct an aerial can be, towards the ball v.2.7.0 + Updated for patch 1.81 ( Sept 16th ) + Ported to DirectX 11 - 64bit. + [Aerial Bot - Starting Velocity] The default value is now 1550 from personal testing + [Aerial Bot] Fixes and tweaks + [Aerial Bot - Normal Freestyle] Better ability to orient + [Ball Prediction - Prediction Lines] Added an option to switch to more performance lines ( better FPS, more ugly looking ) + [Wave Dash - Continuous Mode] Faster wall jump response + [Wave Dash] Added a new mechanic feature: Wall Dashes + [Wave Dash] Added a new feature: Legit Wall Dashes, which will only wall dash when needed to reach max speed + [Mini map] Drawn circles are now filled + Fixed ball behavior being lighter in training mode v.2.7.1 + Added missing Mouse Button hotkeys, thanks to v.2.7.2 + Updated for patch 1.82 ( Sept 22th ) v.2.7.3 + Added Epic Games Launcher support. Now it should support both Steam and Epic Games versions of the game. + Added a semi-auto update feature between small hotfix patches + [Boost Display - Show Numbers] Fixed text position v2.8.0 + Fixed possible crash at start + [Demolition Bot - Auto Boost] Now it boosts only when on ground + [Aerial Bot] Improved initial trajectory when starting an aerial + [Aerial Bot] Freestyle mode direction improvements + [Aerial Bot] Added a toggle feature to Starting Velocity, disable for automatic + [Aerial Bot - Always Freestyle] Changed behavior + [Aerial Bot - Use Handbrake] Now does more sharper turns + [Aerial Bot - Aim At Goal] Added a new Automatic Correction Values feature + [Aerial Bot - Aim At Goal - Automatic Correction Values] Added usages controls which lets you choose when to use the Automatic Correction + [Aerial Bot - Aim At Goal - Facing Goal] Fixed an issue which would cause it sometimes to not work properly + [Aerial Bot - Aim At Goal] Fixed an issue causing the feature to not work while using Upside Down Aerial mode + [Aerial Bot - Auto Boost] Changed behavior + [Aerial Bot - Auto Boost] Added a new feature: Boost Till Distance which controls how far away from the ball it should stop boosting + [Aerial Bot - Auto Drive - Drive Backwards] Improved steering + [Wave Dash] Orientation and wall landing position tweaks + [Wave Dash - Wall Dashing] No longer needed to hold throttle/forward button in order to perform it v.2.8.1 + [Aerial Bot - Auto Boost] No longer stops boosting when it reaches maximum speed v.2.8.3 + Updated for game patch 1.88 ( Dec 08, 2020 ) + [Ball Prediction - Performance Lines] Less FPS intensive lines when this feature has been disabled + [Wave Dash] More stable and smoother dashes both on wall and ground + [Wave Dash] Added directional dashes based on velocity + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] Normal Freestyle mode adjustment to fix an error happening. Thanks to member + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] Take off Height is now enabled for Upside Down Aerial Mode. Thanks to member . v.2.8.4 + [Kickoff Bot] Fixed handbrake getting stuck v.2.9.0 + [Aerial Bot] General tweaks + [Aerial Bot - Aim At Goal] Changed the way it calculates the target + [Aerial Bot - Aim At Goal] Added a new safety zone feature + [Aerial Bot - Aim At Goal - Facing Goal] Improved the logic of the car and the ball facing the goal + [Aerial Bot - Aim At Goal] Added Risk Factor sliders for the Automatic Goal Correction feature + [Wave Dash - Continuous Mode] Fixed an issue which caused to not Wave Dash when jumping from a wall + [Wave Dash] Added a new feature which allows to change which direction the bot will dodge towards v.2.9.1 + [Kickoff Bot] Fixed behavior on lower fps v.2.9.2 + [Kickoff Bot - Speed Flip Dodge Time] No longer depends on FPS ( frames per second ) *NOTE* Some configs might need re-adjustments. + [Wave Dash - Wall Dashes] Fixed behavior v.3.0.0 + [Aerial Bot] Improved time calculations which allows for better aerials when starting velocity is disabled + [Aerial Bot] Added new Aerial Controls which are faster and more precise at orienting the car + [Aerial Bot] Added a new feature to switch between old and new aerial controls + [Aerial Bot - New Aerial Controls] Improved manual double jumping when using the Aerial Bot + [Aerial Bot - Aim At Goal - Safety Zone] Added a slider that controls the safety zone + [Aerial Bot] Added a new feature which stops the freestyle bot spinning until a specified distance. Requested by discord members + [Aerial Bot - Use Handbrake] Tweaked to be less aggressive + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] Added a new aerial mode: Mixed Normal Mode, a mixture between Normal and Strict aerial modes + [Aerial Bot - FreeStyle Control] Added a dropdown menu to select which aerial mode the FreeStyle Control feature should use at the end of an aerial + [Wave Dash] Added a new Orient Only feature from a forum request. Thanks to member . + [Wave Dash] Now it uses the new aerial controls which make orienting faster and more precise + [Wave Dash - Continuous Mode] Fixed an issue which caused to not Wave Dash when jumping from a wall + [Wave Dash] Now will also face down while high enough, which can be used to get faster towards the ground by manually boosting + [Wave Dash] Fixed an issue which caused it to not orient towards the ceiling of the game arena + [Kickoff Bot] Fixed a speedflip bug which happened only in LAN mode. Thanks to member + [Kickoff Bot] Fixed prematurely starting the timer before the countdown has ended + [Ball Prediction - Intersect Point] Changed calculation method from velocity based to acceleration based, which improves the aerial bot when the car is not facing the intersect point + [Ball Prediction - Intersect Point] Added a new simple circle drawing + [Ball Prediction - Intersect Point] Added a new slider which controls the size of the drawn intersect point. From a forum suggestion + [Ball Prediction - Iterations] Increased the limit from 200 to 250 for higher end CPUs + [Boost Timers - Font Size] Fixed an issue which caused it to not load the correct saved size + Menu clicks no longer go through the window + Menu and chat window font changes + Fixed a crash on startup + Potentially fixed bug where the jump would get canceled v.3.0.1 + General aerial tweaks + [Demolition Bot] Added height check for enemy cars. From a forum suggestion v.3.0.2 + Updated for game patch 1.92 ( Feb 1 2021 ) + [Aerial Bot - Aim At Goal] Base risk factor values readjustments v.3.1.0 + Fixed a bug with Starting Velocity which would mess time calculations + [Aerial Bot] Added a new feature - Intersect Type, which introduces 2 new calculation methods to find an intersect point for the Aerial Bot + [Aerial Bot - New Aerial Controls] Now will also try to cancel-out dodge controls when applicable to orient faster towards the target + [Aerial Bot - Aim At Goal] Improved consistency + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] Added a way to select 2 different aerial modes on 2 separate hotkeys (Secondary Aerial Hotkey is by default G key). Requested by users + [Boost Display - Show Text] Text is now colored based on boost percentage + [Ball Prediction - Intersect Point] Added a new feature - Intersect Point On Ground + [Demolition Bot] Improved finding a target and driving towards it + [Wave Dash - Orient Towards Ground] Improvements + [Misc] Added a new feature - Draw Hitbox. Requested by forum member + [Misc] Added a new feature - Boost Management. Requested by member + Can now boost while the menu is opened and the user is not clicking in the menu v.3.1.1 + [Wave Dash - Orient Towards Ground] Adjusted time before it tries to land on the wheels + [Aerial Bot - New Aerial Controls] Fixed orientation behavior when directional keys and the Aerial Bot hotkey is pressed at the same time. + [Boost Display - Show Numbers ] Added 2 new features - Automatic Text Color and Show Numbers Font Size. Requested by member + [Demolition Bot] Added a new feature which allows you to choose between the new and old target calculation methods. Old method now also uses an improved code v.3.1.2 + [Aerial Bot] Added a toggle feature for the newly added input simulation which had the ability to cancel out dodge animations. Mainly for people having problems with dodging. This feature is disabled by default. v.3.2.0 + [Ball Prediction] Small path tweaks + [Aerial Bot - Auto Drive - Match Speed] Renamed and added a very early version of a dribble bot which can catch, carry and adjust the ball for you in order to flick it. More updates and features will be added later on + [Aerial Bot - Use Handbrake] Fixed the setting not saving to the config file and tweaked the bot usage slightly + [Aerial Bot - Drive Backwards] Smoother steering + [Aerial Bot - Auto Boost] Added a new experimental feature, Feather Boost and Feather Boost Strength + [Aerial Bot - Aim At Goal] Hitbox tweak + [Aerial Bot - Orientation Mode] Added Upside Down mode as an option. From a forum request + [Aerial Bot - Mixed Normal Aerial] Increased the distance before it goes to Strict Aerial mode + [Aerial Bot - Intersect Type 1] Now it prefers scorable positions + [Demolition Bot - Custom Target] Removed the Custom Target checkbox and made it to be able to select and deselect a target + [Demolition Bot] Added a new feature - Air Control, which allows controlling the car while in the air. From a forum suggestion + [Wavedash Bot - Wall Dashes] Now it should flip forward when the car is on a ceiling + [Wavedash Bot - Wall Dashes] Better ability to orient towards the ground/wall + [Misc - Boost Management] Fixed an issue which would cause the car to flip when upside down on the ground + [Misc] Added a new feature - Jump Indicator which will paint the car red when a jump is available. Requested by forum members + [Misc] Added a new feature: Car Vision - which allows you to see cars through the ball and explosions. Requested by forum members v.3.3.0 + Updated for S4 Patch v2.01. Special thanks to + Added a Dribble Bot, which only drives towards the Ground Intercept Point + [Ball Prediction] Added new feature: Ground Intercept Point + [Ball Prediction] Some menu readjustments + [Demolition Bot] Improved car prediction + [Demolition Bot - Air Control] Fixed weird orientation + [Demolition Bot - Air Control] Significantly improved the aerial path + [Demolition Bot - Air Control] Auto Boost is also enabled when the car is in the air + [Aerial Bot] Contact tweak + [Aerial Bot - Automation - Dribble] Has been separated into its own menu and has been renamed to "Use Dribble Bot" + [Aerial Bot - Auto Drive - Dribble Bot] Target tweaks + [Aerial Bot - Aim At Goal] Added 2 new features: "Use In Primary Mode" and "Use In Secondary Mode". *NOTE* If both are disabled, Aim at Goal will also be disabled. + [Aerial Bot - Auto Drive] Fixed ground shooting + [Misc - Jump Indicator] Now is disabled by default + [Misc] Added a new feature: "Disable Bots On Lost Focus", which disables bot functionalities when the chat is opened or is in a menu. From a forum suggestion v.3.3.1 + [Aerial Bot] Small bug fixes + [Aerial Bot - Automation - Auto Boost] Fixed an issue which would sometimes cause it to stop boosting + Added missing backquote button to the hotkey list v.3.4.0 ~ Some default settings changed. It is advised to use the default configuration and change to your liking from there. + Updated for patch 2.05 ( Oct 5th 2021) + Added a new menu section: Flip Cancels which can do automatic and on-demand Speed Flips + [Demolition Bot - Use New Calculation Method] Is now disabled by default due to freeze/hang which occurs on some machines + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] Added the option to choose a third aerial bot hotkey + [Aerial Bot - Automation - Auto Boost] Added the ability to choose in which aerial mode to use the Auto Boost feature, Primary, Secondary, Third. From a forum suggestion + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes - Intersection Type] Type 1 was moved to Type 2, and Type 2 is now the default calculation method, due to the old Type 1 causing potential freezes on some machines + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes - Intersection Type] Introduced an experimental calculation method just for testing purposes as Type 3 + [Aerial Bot - Aim at Goal] Now supports Hoops mode + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] Added a new "Alternate Normal" mode which tries to orient the car in order to score + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes - Take-off Height] Has been renamed to Take-off Time and has been reworked to use time above the ground instead of height + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes - Freestyle Control] Added "Alternate Normal" as an orientation mode + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes - Intersection Type] Slightly better time calculation for Type 1 + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] Added the old Aerial Modes descriptions tooltips back. Hover over the "(?)" mark for more info + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes - Flip Reset] Slight consistency improvements + [Misc - Jump Indicator] Now should properly show on flip resets + [Wavedash Bot] Improved orientantion towards walls + [Kickoff Bot] Now works on some rumble maps + Possible fix for early injection hangs on some slower machines v.3.4.1 + Updated for Patch v2.06 ( Oct 12th 2021 ) + [Flip Cancels] Fixed the on-demand Speed Flip functionality in online matches v.3.4.2 + Updated for Patch v2.07 ( Oct 25th 2021 ) + [Ball Prediction Iterations] Increased the limit to 500. From a forum request v.3.4.3 + Updated for Patch v2.10 ( Jan 25th 2022 ) + [Aerial Bot] Better contact with the ball + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] Added an experimental, 4th Intersection Type, which tries to combine type 1 and 2. + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes - Intersection Type 1] Slight improvement from personal tests + [Aerial Bot - Automation - Auto Drive] Faster turning when facing away from the ball + [Aerial Bot - Automation - Feather Boost Strength] Lowered the minimum limit from 500 to 200. From a forum request + [Flip Cancels - Speed Flip] Added a bit of delay when holding the hotkey button, in order to not mess up v.3.5.0 + Updated for Patch v2.12 Season 6 ( March 8th 2022 ) + [Boost Management] Fixed an issue caused by the latest update + [Demolition Bot - Auto Boost] Fixed an issue caused by the latest update + [Wave Dash - Orient Towards Ground] Fixed an issue caused by the latest update + [Flip Cancells - Automatic Flip Cancellation] Added a new feature - [Automatic Flip Cancellation Distance], which allows for manual flicks, while using the [Automatic Flip Cancels]. From a forum suggestion + [Flip Cancells - Automatic Flip Cancellation] No longer cancels when the user diagonally flips backwards + [Dribble Bot] Added Auto Boost features for specific states, useful to maintain speed with the ball + [Dribble Bot] Default setting changes + [Aerial Bot - Automation - Auto Drive] Added a basic [Match Speed] feature, which will slow the car down, based on the height of the ball. Mainly used to slow us down for better aerials + [Misc - Car Vision] Added 2 new options in the menu, [Car Vision Render Distance] and [Car Vision Render Distance Value]. From a forum suggestion v.3.5.1 + [Aerial Bot - Automation - Auto Boost] Fixed an issue which prevented it from working v.3.5.2 + Updated for Patch v2.14 ( April 26th, 2022 ) + [Flip Cancels] Can now perform it automatically, and with the hotkey at the same time + [Dribble Bot] Better logic to detect when it's carrying the ball + [Aerial Bot - Automation - Auto Drive] Added back the missing [Match Speed] code. LOL v.3.6.0 - [Aerial Bot] Removed [New Aerial Controls] option as it was no longer needed, and used + [Wave Dash] Faster orientation towards surfaces + [Aerial Bot] Contact tweaks which adds more power to the ball + [Flip Cancells] Added toggle options for each dodge direction + [Flip Cancells] Now should also work when dodging later, instead of right away + [Flip Cancells] Orientantion tweaks + [Aerial Bot - Auto Drive - Use Handbrake] Better usage + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] Added two new [Alternate Normal] modes, which emphasize even more on scoring. Read the (?) tooltips for more information + [Dribble Bot] Fixed an issue which caused the bot to boost backwards + [Misc - Jump Indicator] Fixed applying the correct colors after a jump has been used + [Misc - Car Vision Render Distance] Fixed a bug with the FOV slider + Some default settings have been changed v.3.6.1 [Flip Cancels] Added a toggle feature, which let's you use the old version of automatic flip cancels. v3.6.2 + [Dribble Bot] Fixed an issue which would get it stuck in a Catching state + [Flip Cancels] Fixed the car getting stuck when double jumping, without a direction + [Flip Cancels - New Version] Potential fix for controller users when dodging diagonally v.3.7.0 + Updated for patch v.2.21 ( Oct 11th, 2022 ) + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] Added an Air Dribble setting + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] Added an Air Dribble button next to each Aerial Mode, which lets you choose an air dribbling mode. When clicked, it will change color to light blue, that means its the current Air Dribbling mode. [AD] = Air Dribbling. Can also be used as a defending mode, since it aims below the ball, which in fact creates more air time on the ball If you want to carry the ball the longest, simply use Strict Aerial Mode for air dribbling, and set the air dribbling offsets like this: Offset 105.0 Goal Offset 0.0 Approach Offset 0.0 + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] Added Air Dribbling Goal Offset and Approach Offset. Default settings are not perfect, also they were made on octane. Needs more testing to find the perfect values - [Aerial Bot - Automation - Auto Boost] Currently not tweaked to be used with the Air Dribbling mode. Manual boosting is advised + [Aerial Bot] Added a new [Hit Adjust] feature which allows you tweak the ball contact + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Mode - Always Aerial] Changed spinning logic due to excessive tornado spins + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Mode - Alternate Freestyle 2] No longer spins the other way around, when switching fields. Request by a forum member + [Aerial Bot - Freestyle Orientation Mode] Fixed a bug which caused to not save the setting + [Aerial Bot - Flip Reset] Tweaked, and now it should orient faster, instead of doing extra rotations + [Dribble Bot] Added a new [Adjusting Offset For Air Dribbling] feature, which makes the dribble bot position itself, for starting air dribbles from the ground + Fixed a crash when the config was outdated, or damaged Some default settings have changed, and the secondary aerial hotkey mode is set to be for air dribbling v.3.7.1 + [Aerial Bot - Auto Boost] Fixed an issue causing it to not work + [Aerial Bot - Automation - Auto Boost] Added a new [Feather Boost Air Dribbling Strength] feature + [Aerial Bot - Always Freestyle Mode] Now spins to the left side + [Aerial Bot - Automation - Feather Boost] No longer stops boosting when going backwards Air Dribble offset default setting changed v3.7.2 + Updated for game patch v2.22 ( Nov 1st, 2022 ) + [Wave Dash Bot] Improved dashing when stationary + [Wave Dash Bot] Added a new feature, which allows us to choose whether to jump, or not, while on a ceiling. Useful to save the dodge, while landing on a ceiling + [Wave Dash Bot - Orient Towards Ground ] Should now aim towards surfaces in order to be able to get faster on them, if we have boost v.3.8.0 *NOTE* THIS UPDATE DOES NOT MAKE IT UNDETECTED. + Updated for patch v2.25 ( January 24th, 2023 ) + Performance improvements while starting/loading the game + [Ball Prediction] Added a new method of calculating the ball's future positions. To use it, set [Ball Prediction Type] to 1. + [Ball Prediction Type] Older version of the custom ball prediction is now at Type 2. Game's own prediction is at type 3 + [Ball Prediction - Performance - Iterations] Has been changed and renamed to Seconds to Predict + [Aerial Bot] Improved ball contact due to the addition of the newly added ball prediction + [Wave Dash Bot - Wall Dashing] Fixed jumping which didn't increase the speed of the car + [Jump Indicator] Fixed a bug which sometimes failed to apply a color + [Jump Indicator] Added a color picker for when we have a jump available. From a forum request + [Config File] It should now save upon closing the menu by clicking on the X button + [Config File] Added a config buttons to reload, reset to default, and open the config folder + [Config File] Kickoff bot - Enabled should now save accordingly + [Config File] Now adds a simple text on top of the file, showing the version of the settings. This is purely for information for when this config was created v3.9.0 + Detection status: Undetected + Fully updated for patch v2.26 S10 ( March 7, 2023 ) + [Ball Prediction - Type 1] The new S10 map is now supported + [Ball Prediction - Type 1] Fixed the prediction being wrong upon entering an already started match + [Ball Prediction - Type 1] Small tweak to the radius, and slightly better ability correct the position of the ball after a collision, for smoother bounces + [Ball Prediction] Modified the function that checks if the ball will go into a goal, respecting the ball's radius + [Ball Prediction in Hoops] Now it accounts for the rim's radius for when the ball will go into the net + [Wavedash Bot] Fixed a bug which would sometimes get the jump stuck + [Wavedash Bot] Should no longer hold handbrake when not jumping + [Aerial Bot] Uses new controls and can now cancel out dodges + [Aerial Bot - Aim At Goal - Hoops] Now aims at the middle of the backboard, and added an additional slider [Hoops Target Height] to change the height of the aiming target + [Aerial Bot - Aim At Goal - Hoops Target Height] Now also draws a green circle representing the target's position when using and holding the [Hoops Target Height] slider + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] All non-freestyle modes should now orient a little bit faster by air rolling more + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] Added a new Alternate Normal Aerial Mode 4, which is a combination of AltNormal 2 and 3 + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes - Flip Reset] Fixed an issue with it causing wrong orientations + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes - Intersection Type] Added a new [Type 5] which is more stable than the other types. This is the default one as of v3.9.0 + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] Added a slider [Interpolation Speed] which controls how fast the code will interpolate + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes - Air Dribbling] Upside Down mode is now supported, but if you use that mode, make sure to use a lower [Offset] value due to using a different part of the car + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes - Strict Aerial Mode] Now it should orient faster when not facing the [Intersect Point] + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes - Take-Off Time] Fixed a bug when using [Upside Down] mode. Now it should correctly use the value specified in [Take-off Time] + [Flip Cancels] Added 2 new settings which control the angle and the time that it holds the first jump for + [Flip Cancels - Hotkey Based Speed Flip] Now it should no longer get the jump stuck, also for the kickoff bot + [Flip Cancels - Hotkey Based Speed Flip] Now it should also force throttle to 1 for extra travelled distance + [Kickoff Bot - FrontCorner kickoff] Fixed a bug with the [Forward Dodge Value] slider + [Kickoff Bot] Uses a new way of speedflipping, which means the kickoff configs needs to be re-adjusted slightly to account for the changes + [Kickoff Bot] Default kickoff has been changed. It is advised to reset your kickoff config to account for the new jumping changes + [Chat Messages] Got some love, clearer text, and it's now properly clamped to the screen size + [Chat Messages] Changed the way it calculates message duration for the messages to dissapear, to be more natural + [Demolition Bot] Now uses a new way to predict cars which is more consistent and better + [Demolition Bot] Added a new [Ball Cam Toggle] feature to automatically turn off the ball cam when using the [Demolition Bot] - [Demolition Bot - Use New Calculation Method] Removed as it's no longer necessary - [Aerial Bot - Simulate Input] Removed as it's no longer needed v3.9.1 + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes - Hit Adjust] If disabled, it will use a default value of 110.0 so it would not create awkward spins + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes] Uses a different way of calculating time, only when the ball is stationary, which is more accurate. It is possible that it causes freezes/hangs on some machines, which is rare. So an option for that has been added to toggle it on, or off + [Aerial Bot - Aerial Modes - Interpolation Speed] Lowered the limit of how much it can go to 2.0. The range is now 2.0 to 10.0 + [Aerial Bot - Automation] Added a new *potential* fix for people experiencing dodging problems, while using the [Aerial Bot], called [Extra Jump Ticks]. If you experience dodging problems while using the [Aerial Bot], increase the number until it stops. ( This feature is a potential fix, and has not been tested on other computers). + [Kickoff Bot] Possible fix for failing to jump, when the FPS is low, or unstable + [Wavedash Bot] Should now be able to half-flip when the user dodges backwards. Simply dodge backwards and hold the [Wavedash Bot]'s hotkey for it to perform a half-flip + [Wavedash Bot] Should now wavedash when falling from the goal. Also known as "Squishy Save". v3.9.2 + Updated for Game Patch v2.28 Season 11 ( June 7th 2023 ) v3.9.3 + [Ball Prediction - Prediction Type 1] Added support for the new season 11 Estadio Vida map v3.9.4 + Updated for game patch v2.31 ( August 1th 2023 ) + [Aerial Bot - Intersection Type 2] Has been fixed v3.9.5 + [Ball Prediction - Prediction Type 1] Added support for the new "Neo Tokyo (Hacked)" map + [Flip Cancels - Automatic Flip Cancellation Distance] Fixed a bug which would cause this feature to only work sometimes v3.9.6 + Updated for game patch v2.33 (October 18th 2023) + [Ball Prediction - Type 1] Added support for the new Halloween map, Farmstead (Spooky) Arena v3.9.7 + Updated for game patch v2.34 (December 05th 2023) + [Ball Prediction - Type 1] Added support for the new arena variants Mannfield (Dusk), Farmstead (Pitched), and Wasteland (Pitched) v3.9.8 + Updated for game patch v2.36 Season 14 (March 6th 2024) + [Ball Prediction - Type 1] Added support for the new Arena variant AquaDome (Salty Shallows) v3.9.9 + Updated for game patch v2.40 Season 15 (June 5th 2024) + [Ball Prediction - Type 1] Added support for the new Arena variant Salty Shore ( Salty Fest ) v3.9.10 + Updated for game patch v2.41 (June 26th 2024) v3.9.11 + Updated for game patch v2.43 Season 16 (Sept 4th 2024) + [Ball Prediction - Type 1] Added support for the new arena map Drift Woods If you encounter any bugs, please report them in the forums, as I am not active on Discord. Thank you.
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